2015 - onwards See main media page


Ian burns: Too Much Is real / Extended Stage

The melancholy poetry of machines Real Time, Gail Priest, Issue 121 June/July 2014
Ian Burns: Too Much is Real / Extended Stage (video interview) Das Platforms, Nick Garner, 14/4/14
‘Ian Burns on Extended Stage’ (radio interview)  So Hot Right Now, 2ser, Caitlin Gibson, 12/4/14
Tunnel vision makes all the underworld a stage Sydney Morning Herald, Joel Meares, 9/4/14
‘Exhibition inside historic rail tunnel’ (radio interview) ABC Radio 702 Sydney, Mornings with Linda Mottram 09/04/2014, Text by Matt Bevan
‘Ultimo tunnel hosts art exhibition’ (video interview) Sydney Morning Herald, 9 April 2014, Bellinda Kontominas

trace recordings

Andrew Frost, The Guardian, 18 November 2013,  Artists use surveillance technology to explore extent we are monitored
Kate Britton, Raven, 7 November 2013, Group show review: Trace Recordings
Chloe Wolfison, Review: Trace Recordings
Andrew Frost, the art life Trace Recordings

living in the ruins of the twentieth century

Tracey Clement, ArtGuide Australia, 24 July 2013, Living in the Ruins of the Twentieth Century
Carrie Miller, The Art Life, 19 April 2013, Living in the Ruins of the Twentieth Century

swedish for argument

Andrew Frost, The Art Life, 19 October 2012, Swedish for Argument
Ella Mudie, Real Time, issue 113, Swedish for Argument
Imran Ahmad, Artlink, vol 33 no 1, 2013, Swedish for Argument

creative accounting (UTS, 2011)

Ginny Gordon, Timeout Sydney, Creative Accounting [pdf link]
Christine Morrow, South Sydney Herald, Show us the money  [pdf link]